Customs duties and tax exemptions
Possibility to purchase inputs and equipment (new or used) without any tax or custom surcharges
Free capital movement and repatriation of profits
Free zone operators can conduct all sort of activities to countries outside the Uruguayan territory, to other corporations located in Aguada Park, and to other Uruguay Free Trade Zone users and operators. Services rendered from the Free Trade Zone to third countries can also be rendered to Corporate Income Taxpayers (IRAE) within the Uruguayan territory
Engagement of up to 25% of foreign employees. However, users may employ up to 50% of foreign employees when the nature of the business deems it necessary, and when they are duly authorized by the Executive Power
Foreign employees may opt to waive to the Uruguayan social security system. This waiver will not be applicable in cases of services rendered to Corporate Income Taxpayers (IRAE) within the Uruguayan territory
This law sets forth that if tax benefits are modified; the Uruguayan Government shall be liable to grant damages to corporations that undersigned a contract with the Free Zone
If the Free Trade Zone operator contract is terminated, the government shall guarantee users that infrastructure and other necessary services will be provided during the term of the contract
For further information on the Free Trade Zone legal regime, visit
Qualified human resources with low operating costs
Stable, secure and democratic country
Excellent telecommunications infrastructure at low cost
Clear and stable regulatory framework
Government commitment
Extended and developed transportation, logistics and energy infrastructure
Geographic proximity to Chile, Brazil and Argentina
Named Highest Quality of Life in Latin America Mercer | 2018
The Economist | 2018
Freedom House | 2019
Transparency International | 2018
Legatum Institute | 2018
Fuente: Transparency International